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Soyez le premier à compléter ce Sudoku !
Easy Killer Sudoku is the ideal introduction to this number game as it helps players get acquainted with seeing grids with cages as well as with their concept and dynamics.
Although, at first glance, they seem more difficult than a traditional easy Sudoku because they start with fewer pre-filled cells, the opposite is true. These puzzles start with more cages, but their values are low. This means that the probability of them containing naked pairs is higher. Likewise, many easy Killer Sudoku online puzzles start with single-cell cages that the players only need to fill in.
Complete the Sudoku grid with the numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating any digit per column, row, 3x3 group, and cage.
Cages are marked with dotted lines and indicate the total sum of the numbers in them. For example, if the value of a 2-cell cage is 3, that cage must contain the naked pair 1/3 - 1/3. To know which number goes in each cell, the players must cross this information with that of the columns, rows, and groups those cells are part of.